Transformation of sentences Simple Compound Complex

 Transformation of sentences [Simple –Complex – Compound] “Transformation of sentences Simple Compound Complex” is the main discussion of this post. I have highlighted a technical process of converting sentences (Simple, Complex, and compound). I have noticed that most of the authors of the market-selling books have presented the traditional method that is very difficult and […]

Joining of sentences using adverbs

Joining sentences with adverbs is very easy. There are some rules for joining sentences. I have mentioned the rules and given some examples of joining sentences below. If we ask the question “VERB” with “How”, the answer will be ADVERB. And joining is done by putting that Adverb in the right place in a sentence. […]

All Conditional Sentences in Details

All conditional sentences in English in details Conditional sentences are very important english grammar. This lesson helpes us to write english sentences freely and speak fluently and understand the meaning of the english sentences. If we do not learn this lesson, our english will not be improved and developed. So I have highlighted all structures, […]


JOINING OF SENTENCES USING ADJECTIVE If you ask the noun and pronoun with “how”, the answer is “ADJECTIVE”. Joining is done by putting that Adjective in the right place in a sentence. Example of joining with “Adjective” # I have a cow. It is black. =>I have a black cow. The explanation of joining with […]

Joining with a Noun or Gerund [With Example]

Joining with a Noun or Gerund Joining with a Noun or Gerund: Gerund means (V + ing). For joining by putting prepositions before Gerund you have to know the meaning of several prepositions as [For, in spite of, on, besides, before, by, without, with, because of, on account of, due to and so on.]. At […]

Joining of sentences Using Infinitive

Joining of sentences with “Infinitive“ At first, we have to find out the sentence that gives the answer to the question “What purpose” from two or three sentences. And you have to put Infinitive by putting “To” before the main Verb of that sentence. And the subject of the sentence will be the same. Examples […]

Joining with Noun in Apposition with Example

Joining with Noun in Apposition Sentences that contain more than one Noun are joined by Apposition. Apposition means side position. Rules for joining with noun in apposition: To write the original noun first, you have to write the next noun with a comma. Example of joining with noun in apposition: # Ram is the best […]

Joining with Nominative Absolute in simple way

Joining of sentences using Nominative Absolute Definition of Nominative Absolute A nominative absolute is a noun phrase. It begins or ends a sentence. There is no grammatical connection with the rest of the sentence. Most nominative absolutes contain a participle that modifies the noun or pronoun. Joining with Nominative Absolute If we notice that after completing a […]

Joining with Past Participle

Joining of sentences with past participle Past Participle means (V-3). Joining is done putting the Past Participle Word before the Noun that will have Past Participle in two or more sentences. # The mango is rotten. Throw it through the window. Throw the rotten mango through the window. Explanation of the process of joining with […]

Joining of sentences using perfect participle

Joining of sentences using perfect participle in a easy way USING PERFECT PARTICIPLE Joining of sentences is done with the help of Perfect Participle if we notice that the subject has completed one task and completed another task. The subject of the sentence may be the same or different. If there is an action verb […]