Type of sentence with example in English
Type of sentence is very important in English grammar. If a learner does not have strong knowledge about the kind of sentence, he can not improve his English in both writing and speaking. That is why I have explained it in an easy way. Each and every type of sentence has been presented step by step in this post.
Before starting this blog let me share an AI grammar checker for English learners who wants to fix and check grammatical errors in their writing. Here is the link https://www.grammarcheck.ai/

Definition of sentence
When two or more words come together to express a full mind, it is called a sentence.
Type of sentence/ kind of sentence
Sentences are divided on structure and meaning.
According to the meaning, the sentence is divided into five parts. E.g.
- Assertive sentence
- Interrogative sentence
- Imperative sentence
- Optative sentence
- Exclamatory sentence
Assertive Sentence with Example
Assertive sentence is a sentence through which we can describe a word or event is called Assertive Sentence.
- We like our motherland.
- They do not sell vegetables.
- The child is walking now.
If you want to know about assertive or declarative sentences in detail click here…….
Interrogative Sentence with Example
The sentence with which we express the question of our mind is called an interrogative sentence.
- Do you use a mobile phone?
- Does he learn English daily?
- Did they take a bath in the pond?
- Can you swim in the river?
- Who insulted you?
- When are you coming to my house?
- Why had he received my call?
To learn or know more about interrogative sentences Click here….
Imperative Sentence with Example
The sentences in which we express our order, advice, prohibition and request are called imperative sentences.
- Do it once.
- Please hand over the pen.
- Never mind it.
- Always stay with him.
- Let me run the computer.
- Do not hold it tightly.
- Be honest man.
- Have a cup of milk.
- Give me your car’s key.
To know more about imperative sentences, click here……
Optative Sentence with Example
The sentence through which we express our desires, wishes, blessings, curses, prayers, etc. is called Optative Sentence.
- May God save him.
- Long live my grandson.
- Congratulations.
- Wish you good luck.
Learn more about optative sentences after clicking here…….
Exclamatory Sentence with Example
The sentence through which we express emotions, sorrow, happiness, anger, joy, wonder and hatred etc. is called Exclamatory Sentence.
- What an intelligent man!
- How happy the woman!
- How cruel!
- Fie! You are lying.
- Were I a king!
- Had I much money!
To know more details about the exclamatory sentence, Click here………
2 Type of sentence
According to Structure Kind of Sentence
According to the structure, the sentence is divided into three parts. E.g.
- Simple sentence
- Complex sentence
- Compound sentence
A simple sentence with an Example
A sentence that has only one subject/doer, finite verb and no conjunction is called a simple sentence.
- I was greatly surprised at his success.
- He is a former teacher of the presidency college.
- The police found the kidnapped boy.
- He went to the airport in order to welcome his elder brother.
- Being ill, he could not attend his class.
- After finishing homework, he went to bed.
- Rattan saw people running for shelter.
- They will go to Kolkata to visit the zoo.
- I expect his arrival tonight.
- We have a handsome servant.
For more about simple sentences, click here……..
Complex Sentence with Example
A complex sentence is a sentence having more than one subject/doer, finite verb a subordinating conjunction.
You will buy mangoes when you will go to the market.
List of Subordinating Conjunctions
After, Although, As, As-as, Because, By the time, Even if, Even though, If, Before, In case, Just in case, Like, Now that, Once, Only if, Rather than, Since, So that, Than, That, Though, Until, When, Whenever, Where, Whereas, Wherever, Whether, Whether or not, While and so on.
- He is so weak that he can not walk.
- As you are very clever, you will be able to answer this question.
- I will wait for her until she comes.
- As soon as the teacher entered the room, the students stood up.
- No sooner had I reached the station than the train left.
- Put the keys of the car where you can find them easily.
- He studied hard so that he might pass in the first division.
- Though the boy is poor, he is honest.
- Although I had forbidden you, you went out of the room.
- He writes better than he speaks.
To know in detail about the complex sentence, click here…..
Compound Sentence with Example
A compound sentence is a sentence that has more than one finite verb, doer and at least one coordinating conjunction.
He is poor but he is honest.
List of Coordinating Conjunctions
And, Both-and, No less-than, As well as, Not only- but also, Either-or, Neither-nor, Or, Otherwise, But, Yet, Still, However, Only, Nevertheless, On the contrary, On the other hand, While, Whereas, Therefore, Consequently, For, As a result, Than, So and etc.
- Study hard or you will fail in the exam.
- He is poor but he is honest.
- I do not hate him on the contrary I love him.
- I earn only three thousand rupees whereas my brother earns much more.
- You may use my English grammar book only do not hand it over.
- He did not study so he failed the exam.
- They defected for they did not practice.
- Reach the station punctually and you will catch the train.
- He said this and made his mother angry.
- He drove the car carefully still he met with the accident.
You can know details about compound sentences, click here…
Read More Posts:
- Assertive/ Declarative Sentence
- Imperative Sentence
- Interrogative Sentence
- Optative Sentence
- Exclamatory Sentence
- Punctuation mark
- Voice change
Guy I hope you have easily understood “Type of Sentence” from this post.