Letter and application to the electricity office for replacement of the electricity meter.

It is very easy to write an application to the electricity department for replacement of electricity meter.
The Assistant Engineer
Electricity Department
Sub: [Request for replacing the meter]
Respected Sir,
With due respect, I would like to state that I am Prakash Saha. I live at Raipur, Makhdumpur, English Bazar, Malda. I have built a new house. I need to replace the meter from the old house to the new house. My meter number is 3654210. I have attached all the Xerox copies of documents that are mentioned from the office.
Therefore I request you kindly to replace the meter so that I could use electricity successfully.
Thanking you
yours faithfully
Prakash Saha
Date: 12/10/2020
Place: Raipur, Mokdumpur, Malda Mobile No.xxxxxxx
I hope that you can see some italic words in the application. All the italic words will be changed according to the applicant’s address. you must have to input your electric meter number for the replacement of the electricity meter.
This is a simple process of applying for the replacement of the electricity meter.
Some links to Application writing have been given below. You can read and get some writing formats
Application Format to the Electricity Department click on the line.
Write an application to the Municipality Chairman for drinking water. Click on this line.
Write a letter/ an application to the Panchayat Pradhan [all in one format].