WBCHSE English Drama Proposal Suggestion 2021

Welcome my dear students to my digitalenglish blog. Your final exam is knocking at the door. So I have made a perfect suggestion about the play “The Proposal” that is included in your English syllabus under WBCHSE. I have given some important questions as well as every year. From my teaching experience for ten years a long time, I hope you will get the questions on the question paper in the exam hall. All the students know that your syllabus has been reduced due to the covid pandemic. Therefore I have increases the number of the question in the suggestion.
Higher Secondary [WBCHSE] English The Drama Proposal Suggestion 2021
The cost of this suggestion is free. You should read the post carefully because I have told some important things related to the exam and suggestions.
The Proposal:
Question: Write a short note on the theme/ gist/ substance of the play “The Proposal”.[V.V.I]
Question: Write a note on the significance of the title of the play proposal/ Justify the title of the play. [V.V.I]
Question: Describe the play “The Proposal” as a one-act play.
Question: Is the play the proposal a farce? -Justify your answer with close reference to the text.
Question: Write a brief description on the picture of social life as you find in “The Proposal”. [V.V.I]
Question: Describe the first quarrel between Natalya and Lomov. [V.V.I]
Question: Describe the quarrel over the hunting dogs. [V.V.I]
Question: Sketch the character of chubukov. Or is chubukov a sensible father how do you know?
Question: What message does Chekhov want to convey through the play?
Besides these questions, you may get quoted line of the drama “The Proposal” as a question. I have given below some quoted lines with questions for the purpose of the students.
Question: “Oh, What a burden, Lod to be the father of a grown-up daughter!” ——- Who said this and to whom? What is the context what does the speaker mean to say here? [V.V.I]
Question: “If I give myself time to think, to hesitate, to talk a lot, to look for an ideal or for real love, then I will never get married.” —– Who thinks so? When does the speaker think so? Why does the speaker think it?
The questions which are marked V.V.I are most important for Proposal Suggestion 2021.
Question: “He is dead”- who said this? To whom is it said? State the immediate situation.
Question: “Hurry up and get married.” Or “She is willing.”- Who’s this? To whom does the speaker say this? What is followed by this and why? [V.V.I]
Question: “He is alive…. yes, yes I am willing…” Who is he? Who is there a doubt about the person being alive or not?
Question: “You are not a neighbor, you are a grabber.” Who said this and to whom? why is this said? [V.V.I]
Question: I am not used to be spoken to in that tone of voice. – Who said this and to whom? When is it said? Why is it said? [V.V.I]
Question: “I… I’m happy too” – who says this? When does the speaker say so? why is the speaker happy? Explain the speaker’s happiness.
Question: “I shall try to be brief.” —–Who is the speaker? is the speaker successful in his/ her purpose? Bring out the irony of the situation.
DramaThe Proposal Suggestion Click here……..
Writing Skills Suggestion Click here……….
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